

$7.00 per child for casual classes, regardless of how many children come in for the session.

$63.00 for a 10 visit card.  This allows for 9 paid sessions with 1 session for free.  This is the only 10 session card we are now selling.  You can use a 10 visit card for multiple children under your care, 1 visit will be used for each child.

Single Visit Costs:

$7.00 1x child

$14.00 2x children

$21.00 3x children

$28.00 for 4x children

Please pay by Eftpos.  No cash is taken at the gym.  Thank you for your understanding.

NOTE- Weekday sessions do not run during the school holidays.

Play Gym (0-5 years)

PlayGym is built on the belief that moving and learning together is fun. It embraces a philosophy of providing open-ended, broad-based, child-centred and fundamental activities to promote the development of children into healthy, active and social adults.PlayGym gives early childhood educators, parents and caregivers the opportunity to participate with their children in active play whilst developing all areas of their body and mind.

Our club runs casual classes full of activities to encourage brain development, balance, primitive reflex inhibition, gross motor skills, vision and development of fundamental movement patterns.

Please see our current timetable for dates/times and costs for our pre-school programmes.  Please note, these are casual classes that do not require a booking.  Please just turn up on the day/time specified to play.   An accident waiver and release of liability form is required to be signed for your child's participation.  Payment for the class is by 10 class card, or eftpos please.  We do not take cash at the gym.  Please also note, we do not allow any drinks or food on the sprung floor, including baby bottles. 

Beginner Recreation (3-5 years)

Mini-Gym is similar to PlayGym but for our 3-5yr olds, with a teaching programme based on the fundamental movement patterns of gymnastics. The appeal is that it offers fun and action packed activities while promoting good body management and movement awareness. It lays a good movement foundation for children who may wish to develop their skills in sports outside of the GymSports arena.

Children can enjoy gym at their own pace, in a non competitive, non threatening and coeducational environment. Playgym is an early childhood philosophy which assists in the development of children under 5 years. Following on from SPARCS (Sport and recreation New Zealand) Active Movement initiative, Playgym gives early childhood educators parents and caregivers the opportunity to participate with their children in active play whilst developing all areas of their body an mind. Playgym is built on the belief that moving and learning together is fun.

It embraces a philosophy of providing open-ended, broad-based, child-centered and fundamental activities to promote the development of children into healthy, active and social adults. gym clubs run classes that are full of activities to encourage brain development, balancing, primitive reflex inhibition, gross motor skills, vision and development of fundamental movement patterns.

Please see our current timetable for dates/times and costs for our pre-school programmes. An accident waiver and release of liability form is required to be signed for your child's participation. Payment for the class is by 10 class card, or eftpos please.  We do not take cash at the gym.  Please also note, we do not allow any drinks or food on the sprung floor, including baby bottles.